Sunday, 12 June 2011

Thorncliffe Farm Shop

Yesterday i spent the day selling olive oil at one of the local farm shops i live near. I had planned to sell my products outside the door, so knowing what the weather in England is like, i though i better buy a gazebo for a bit of shelter. I arrive at the farm shop half an hour early so i could set up, this all went well until the minute i set up when a big gust of wind blew, which lifted up my gazebo and smashed it into the farm shop, wrecking it in the process. To add insult to injury, a jar of honey was knocked off the table and smashed on the floor which lead to me cutting my finger when clearing up the mess! It's safe to say it was not a good start to my day.

After causing a scene outside the shop, the owner asked me if i wanted to stand inside the shop instead  which i graciously accepted. It was a steady day but i managed to sell a few products and promote Prima Oliva, i also saw Christa (our local evening news reader) which was one for the book.

I don't have any photos from the day, i took my camera but realised that i'd forgotten the memory card for it. You live and learn!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    My name is KC Owens, I’m a college student and I love to travel! While cruising the Internet, I found your site and really enjoyed reading your posts. I have been to countries all over Europe with just my backpack and a camera. Since I am a college student and I have significant bills, it can be difficult to find ways to travel the world. However, I have done this several times, with less than ten pounds of luggage and while on a college dime!

    I was hoping that you would allow me to write a post for your site to share my tips and tricks with your readers. I put a lot of time into my traveling, it is my biggest passion and I would love to inspire others by sharing my stories, mistakes and triumphs. I look forward to hearing from you!


    KC Owens
