Sunday, 26 September 2010

Week 3

We were back in Punakaiki for our third week, its our last week here. Planted about 700 trees this week, went litter picking in Greymouth lagoon (its amazing what sort of things get washed up) and have spent a few hours looking for jade on the beach. There was torrential rain for most of the week which was good because it meant we finished early. Its has been a warm weekend, sunny both days which is unusual. We went kayaking up the local river and bought some whitebait, a very small fish that is a delicacy over here and had it for our lunch. I wasn't overly impressed.
We also went for a swim in the river without a wetsuit, it was freezing and the current nearly swept us down stream but it was good fun.
The pub has been lively this week, we've know all the locals now but met alot of backpackers this week who all seem pretty cool and a stag party of about 30 people came to the pub Saturday night, it was great and we all managed to get a few free drinks out of the drunker ones and then went to a local house party! This week we also acquired a playstation with 4 singstar (karaoke) games so its been a little wild.   

Next week we are heading further north but still on the West coast to a place called Kamera. Hopefully it will be a bit more populated than Punakaiki.One of the locals also has promised us that its going to get warmer in the next few days so hopefully there will be less rain!

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